
Welcome To My Journey To The Origins Web-Site

Energiebaum Heike September 2015 002

Why Travelling Back To The Origins?

When I started reading and dealing with myths of origin (also called cosmogonic myths) of different cultures a couple of years ago, I felt a special fascination for those of the Navajo and the Pueblo tribes (both living in the Southwest of the United States) and the fact that their very complex healing ceremonies and rituals were intimately connected to or even part of their cosmogonic myths.
A person belonging to these tribes can be cured by letting him or her travel back to the origins of time and the universe through special ceremonies which by embedding the patient in a symbolic universe brings him or her in touch with the original sacred sources and their powerful energies. During this process the suffering person identifies with those mighty symbols and thus healing can be achieved. The idea underlying this ceremony is that by travelling back to your origins you become born anew according to an ideal of order and health defined and set up at the beginning of time.

I immediately felt then – and still I’m doing it today – this to be a really fascinating and at the same time beautiful idea and way of healing.

Unfortunately modern man and our global culture lack this possibility to identify and feel one and in harmony with the universe and its original energies through an overall cosmogonic myth. Our culture is rather based in a feeling of disconnection regarding life, which surrounds us, resulting from this a tendency to disrespect our environment and finally ourselves.
Maybe it’s time to create a myth of origin for our global culture all together, which helps us to cure ourselves as individuals as well as our global culture, which has pushed our planet towards a severe unbalanced state.

Several of the paintings you see in my Journey To The Origins Gallery were directly inspired by myths of origin of different cultures.
The biggest part of them though are the result of my personal and very individual inner journey and I hope that they will refresh you with their energies of origins.

Lebensbaum IkaLet Yourself Embrace by Your Own TREE OF LIFE

For those of you who feel attracted or connected to trees, I recommend to throw a glance at my Tree Hugs-Gallery where I offer trees of life for several occasions as well as seasonal trees. Every painted tree is unique and if you wish you can also order your own tree of life to be painted (and also families trees for weddings e.g.). From time to time I also offer workshops, where you can learn to paint your own tree of life and experience how strengthening it is (for further information regarding the process of how a TREE OF LIFE „is born“ and painted please go to „workshops“).

Lebensbaum Fam. Haag Dez. 2012

Have also a look at my small-art gallery Little Excursions, where I offer little art-pieces (such as little canvases, jewellery and dishes) thought to delight and accompany you day by day

Come and join me and get into touch with the energies of origin and let yourself be inspired by feeling the power of very old sources….

New !

All my paintings are available now as prints !

Size A3: 55€

Size A2:  85 €

Size 60 cm x 80 cm: 145 €

(The shipping isn’t included)